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(1 edit)

Any plans for Mac release for your projects?

We have done some tests but we have not been able to load the models. If we solve that, yeah

What is the difference from free to paid version and how to switch cameras on mobile?

The free version includes the stories of Paula and Sasha, while the paid version also includes the stories of Abby and Luna. 

To switch cameras on a mobile device, simply tap the Camera icon if it is displayed.

(1 edit)

The Android Version doesn't load the characters or basically any textures for me. I Play on Redmi 9c


It's possible that the lower RAM capacity on your device is causing performance issues. The characters are made with Live2D animations, and they are resource-intensive, this requires a certain amount of memory to be displayed properly.

Alright, thanks for the info

Deleted 1 year ago

Could you please share the specifications of your Android device so that we can better understand what might be happening?

Deleted post

Why is the android version with money ?


I don't know


I really enjoy your game but I saw some inconsistencies when we look at all of acts 4 we see the characters with clothes on but we can't have them in skills for example here we can see paula with a cow outfit and we're not in the game, is there a secret or something else?

Those outfits are exclusive for Patreons for now but might be included for everyone someday.

Nice to know thank you

When are you going to update this to the newest version on patreon?


I'm not sure, we are testing some stuff

What should I do without a computer


They won't. They'd rather use the patreon monthly payments while putting out next to nothing. So don't hold your breath on this getting updated 

(1 edit) (+4)(-1)

Just yesterday we announced the date for the Steam release, which also means we are ready to update this ver. also the Android version is ready.

We are developing 3 games at the same time, so it takes time to release some updates.


That's not a good excuse when you've had several Patreon updates for this game available for several months and yet never bothered updating this version for those that have paid for it here. I get it, the Patreon thing of paying monthly for it is a much better incentive, but don't blatantly lie to people. 


I apologize if it has caused any confusion or frustration.

Firstly, I want to assure you that I value all players of my game, regardless of their support through Patreon or other means.

I understand your frustration with the lack of updates here compared to the past four releases on the Patreon Page. Part of the reason for this is that we faced a period where we were not receiving substantial feedback from our players. As developers, feedback is essential for us to improve and refine the game.

Because of that, we actually were close to abandoning the game as it is, but with some tests and support from our Patreons, we are going back on track.

I appreciate your passion for the game. I will make an effort to communicate more effectively to avoid any misunderstandings in the future, and I want to ensure you that I'm about to update this version soon.


Damn bro who shit in your cereal this morning?

(1 edit) (+1)(-8)

I'm holding a developer to standards. You pay for something you're allowed to do that. When you stop communicating with people and come up with excuses that fall flat along with blatant lies as a developer you should expect the people that paid for something that they're not getting to be upset. 


Patreon page is already up to .34.1 and this hasn't been updated for 3 months. I'd recommend no one purchase the game on this site as the creator clearly doesn't care about updating the game here any longer. 


So I bought the full version and the paid chapters still have "Buy Now" attached to them do I have to play through the others to unlock or did it just not work?

Hi there, "Buy Now" should not be displayed with the full version. But yes, you have to play through every chapter to unlock the others (the Act 1 of every episode should be available).

Check if you downloaded the right version: the last letter in the paid version, should be "c", not "f", in other words = "Public Bounce Win ver- 0.30.1c"


plz do oc vesion you can make your own oc plz

plz do android


My only complaint is that in musical mode near the end of the act tend to become a trance. When does the lady that does the intros get her own act her voice is hot.

(1 edit)

When the next update is going to release?


Not sure yet, working on it

i press buy now for stories 2 and 4 but it just keeps opening this page and I cant find any info on prices or how to unlock them, are they tied to patreon by any chance or is there something I'm missing?


If you buy it you should be able to download it completely. Not tied to patreon.

No hay para movil?


Trabajando en ello, nada seguro todavia.

Great idea for an H-game. Buying the $5 version now after being impressed with Paula's story (and the excellent narration).

Deleted 2 years ago

I have focused on the development of Riding to bounce city, but there is more coming for Public Bounce.


Great art and animations. Though, I hope you add an autoplay or gallery feature so we can enjoy them.

All the spacebar-ing you have to do is annoying.

If you complete any act without missing more than 2 times, you can activate the "Pink and blue bar control" in the skills section, and you don't need to press space anymore, just move the bar with your mouse.

Really love your game and got the 5$ version! Is it normal that there is no cum in the 3rd library scene?

Будет ли порт на андроид?

If I do the one-time $5 purchase do I get access to all future versions?
Do you have another support platform that can be leveraged? I don't want to support the Patreon platform.


You will have the current ones and the one to come (Luna)

For now, I don't have other platforms, do you have any suggestions?

(1 edit)

Thanks for the answer.

Subscribestar off the top of my head, and the other game I support uses pixiv (somehow) but they also charge in yen. (and after minor review, bitchute)

Would there be a possibility of compatibility for Linux?


Unity builds the game with compatibility with Windows and Linux, but I can't confirm if it actually works on Linux, I just know that with previous games I made, a friend tried it on Linux and had no problem at all without me changing the build, so... I suppose this one could work on Linux too... but I really don't know (yet).

So could you compile a Linux version for me to test?


Unfortunately, I can't, to put the Linux version I would have to do several tests before uploading it out, and that is every time I upload an update.

I guess you tried to play it on Linux and it didn't work?

Generally, differing OS builds (Windows/Linux/Mac) need to be *built/compiled* on those machines. Linux and Mac have fairly decent compatibility (especially Linux -> Mac) but Windows -> Linux/Mac hardly ever works, or requires you to emulate windows just to run the EXE.

I don't know if you're using a Game Maker tool (as they might be able to produce builds for specific OS versions) or are building it yourself, but in the latter case, you should look into Continuous Integration Builds and a Test Suite tied to it. If you have those two things you can *easily* add a new OS to your Build Suite with just Amazon Web Services.

My computer doesn't allow me to open up the game because it says its a virus. I don't believe that but I can't open up the game even if I try to allow it. 

Do you know a way to make it work


Aside of add to the antivirus exception list, sadly I don't know.

(1 edit)

update, i managed to remove my antivirus intiredly because even if I putted it in my exemption list, it just didn't want to work. But now that's done I have encountered an other problem. 

 The game still can't open up and the error message says something along the lines of "Impossible to execute the code, because UnityPlayer.dll is not found." 

They said to re-download the programe but i already try that and it doesn't work.

Also excuse my crappy english, it is not my first language. 


Sounds like that file is still in quarantine. I really doubt it's windows defender, but did you try to add an exception there?

I figured it out, I just needed to make the zip file a normal file.

I was an idiot, sorry im very bad at computers. 

But I did it yay, I appreciate you taking time to answer me, even though it was a waist of time. 


Oh, that also happened to me once, I guess it's because we are used to .rar or .7z, but I put it in .zip because it's the one that comes with windows.

And thanks for the feedback, it's helpful.

I'm not getting any pictures its all whited out

Is there voice acting?



Noice, thanks for replying

Hey, just want to let you know that the discord link is invalid


Thank you, I think is fixed now.


This  is  definitely  the  most challenging  game for  me since I have a messed up spacebar. Very well  designed and fun, Also props  to the  artist. 


goodluck on making your plans




are there any schedule for updates , im gonna check the game everyday for updates


We will release updates for Patreon in early February, then to the public.


there is gonna be more updates right?


Yes, these are my plans for now

Is there no free version or is it just bugged for me


There is a free version, I just checked and everything seems fine.


For some reason the game isn't showing up on the app. You need to download it off the website

Yup. that worked


this game is perfect, congrats 



I hate to sound stupid or bad at video games, but why are these games always so goddamn hard. Its supposed to be a game to play one handed and i usually get so frustrated that i just quit playing.


Can you elaborate on what was the difficult part? Was it the speed of the bar or something else?

Also, there is an "Easy Mode" on the skill tab (ESC to show), the shame bar increases way slower.

cannot install via itch desktop app.

The game was good for a bit, I don't know if it's me that just sucks at the game or something but on the 3rd scene I cannot pass it I went flawless and the shame bar still caught up a lot quicker. Sort of a let down to me if this is fixable I'd really appreciate it.

We are working on an update to balance better the difficulty. Stay tuned for the updates.

I was also wondering, would you be able to make this for androids as well? Or are you not interested in doing so.

We are trying to make the android version, for now trying to fix some problems to see if it is possible.


The game fails to realize it wants to be like a rhythm game but lacks any sort of beat to help you find the rhythm to click on. It also has this annoying lack of showing when you misclicked with little to no feedback. It should indicate when you've clicked good and when you've clicked bad in order to keep your attention on the bottom bar. Another issue is that the game has a "feature" where when you misclick, the girl pauses to look around and you cannot gain any progress while she does so. Its not immersive. Its irritating.

Mac Version?

Supposedly it is compatible, but I cannot test it, if you can try the free version and let me know if it works, I would be grateful.

(1 edit)

I'd be happy to test it and any other games on mac.

Also .exe files don't work on mac without another piece of software on mac the most common executable files are .jar and .app

Oh thank you, I didn't know that, I will ask the programmer to see if it is possible.

if not I can help. Since I have a mac I could most likely port it over.

May I ask what Programming Language this is made in?

There are certain languages that tend to work better with mac though like Swift,  C/C++ (Sometimes), C#, Java, and Python

Swift is probably the best option, unless It was made in Unity, Unreal Engine or Ren'Py they all have options for mac.

We are programming in Unity, it has the option to Mac, but we can't test it as we don't have a Mac or anyone close to us. Even if you could port it over, it is better to test it ourselves to fix any bugs before uploading it, but we really like the idea to have it on Mac too, so we are going to see how everything goes.


can you make the blue bar a bit longer due to the fact that i keep failing at the near end

Ok, we will make some adjustments for the next update.


i bought the game but when i try to download it it just deletes itself

I haven't had that problem, so I'm not sure what happens, but with other games, the antivirus gives me a false positive, maybe that's it? If that's what it is, put the game as an exception.

just add it to your antivirus exception


That doesn't work, I did putted it in my exceptions. But my computer itself don't want me to play this game.

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